Interviews have a way, or should I say have ‘many ways’ of putting you on the spot without actually making you feel that. One of the most challenging questions, even though the question being pretty straight forward, is ‘what are you looking for in a job’? The simplest answer that can come to your head is probably ‘everything this job offers’. Unless the recruiter you are talking to has a sense of humor, you may want to tweak your answers a bit. You need to find a balance between honesty and diplomacy. In order to play safe and more professional, follow the tips mentioned below:
Highlight your strengths and skills
Even though the questions are targeting you as an individual, you need to think about your answers from the hiring manager’s perspective. Although the manager asks what you are looking for, the answer could be completely ‘off the track’ at times, such as a high pay, easy commute, or your own office, you need to portray what you are capable of doing. Dive into your strengths and skills and talk about how you’re looking for a place where you can use them.
Describe what motivates you
There is a simple, and a highly common answer to a question like what motivates you to work? The Benjamin’s of course. Besides the paycheck, focus more on the job responsibility that could potentially be allotted to you. All interviews are expecting the answer “a high salary is my main motivation”, but you will earn some extra brownie points if you shift focus from the money to the job itself.
Portray your long-term goals
When you are going for a job interview, and expecting to be hired by the company, you are expecting them to invest their time and money in you. And nobody likes to see their investment walk out of the door or go waste. It is very important to mention how you see yourself growing or building your career at a company that’s the right fit. Anything that signals you’re in it for the long haul is a good thing.
Keep the firm as the main focus
This step requires you to do a little extra research about the firm that you are applying to. It is a good thing to sum up your interview by talking about the firm, and how excited you already feel about the opportunity that could potentially be yours. If the interview is all about you, then you may be coming across as a self-centered individual. However, if you make comments about the company, it will display your proactive approach of being a part of their firm.
Job seeking is as tough as hiring. Both parties have a lot of preparations to do. Plus, because of the increasing competition in today’s world of business, getting a job that you love is not easy. When you are stuck in a difficult situation like this, consult the top HR Consultancy in India, which is Unify Search Solutions.