Interviewers have a way of really getting to know their candidates within a span of 30-45 minutes. There are a lot of things that they read, besides the answers you give to their questions. Things like body language, eye contact, clarity of speech, your appearance, etc. tells them a lot about you. These are factors, which help them decide whether you are eligible and suitable to work for their company, or not. However, when you have prepared yourself physically and mentally for the interview, go through some of these questions mentioned below, some of which are the most important questions asked during interviews.
Why did you leave (or why are you leaving) your previous job?
This question is pretty straightforward. You need to be honest about why you decided to leave your previous job. However, make sure you don’t talk down your previous employer or boss. Let them know what made you want to take the next step forward. If on the other hand, you have been under the unemployed banner, then your reason for not working should definitely have a positive context.
What are your strengths and weaknesses?
This is a tricky question since most people will be prepared to portray their strengths. But that’s the catch. You have to handle this question by minimizing your weaknesses by wrapping your strengths around it. For instance, if you feel that your presentation skills are weak, then emphasize on the fact that you are always trying out ways to improve your communication skills.
Why should we hire you?
This is where you have to talk about your work experience, achievements, past projects (related to the firm you’re giving an interview for) and other expertise. Let them know that you will be a great addition to their workforce and that you will do everything in your ability to make a positive difference. Try finding the company’s specific feature that they pride themselves with, and use that to your advantage.
Why do you want to work ‘here’?
This is another obvious question that you should be expecting. BY asking this question, the interviewer is looking to see whether you’ve given some thought to this interview, or you’re just sending out resumes because you are seeking a job and because there is an opening. Let them know why you applied to their company. It is good to have a clear, well thought out plan.
If you could be an animal, which one would you choose?
Many interviewers use these odd psychological questions in order to test your quick thinking. Your answer will not affect the job that could potentially be yours. This answer will help the interviewer understand what type of a personality you are.
Then of course, there will be questions related to salary and how much you are expecting. Don’t talk numbers; instead make an impression that there could surely be an amount that both parties could agree upon.
Job seekers know that finding a job in today’s competitive world is not easy. Which is why there are professional HR Consultants in India that simplify this process. To seek help from the best HR Consultancy in India, contact Unify Search Solutions.