Source: www.linkedin.com/pulse
Every successful candidate that got the job knows the essential ingredient to getting hired is preparation. Good preparation shows that you are serious about getting the job and know what it takes to do it. Knowing how to prepare for an interview is a key component of job hunting. These are the best tips you can follow to prep up for interviews.
Research the key literature
Today, almost every company has some kind of content up on its website that tells you about its goals and objectives. This information is essential in queuing you in on expectations of your employer. Going through this literature will tell you what kind of work ethic will be expected out of you. While you will see generic stuff like ‘we want to give the best to our clients’ etc, you will also notice clues about what the company really stands by.
Review your resume
Read through your resume thoroughly before you go for a job interview. Mention details in the resume you believe may give you a boost in the interview process. Most importantly, be able to explain things you have written in your resume. The interviewer is bound to ask routine questions about details you have provided in your resume. You should know what you written and why.
Add a personal touch
Find out more about your interviewer if possible. Knowing details, such as her qualifications and name will impress the interviewer and show that you have done your homework. Nowadays everyone has a LinkedIn or Twitter account. Make use of social media to gain that slight edge in your interview.
Prepare questions to ask the interviewer
Sure you have researched the company but how to show this to the interviewer? Simple ask him relevant questions the company that affects your performance at your job. This shows interest on your part to the interviewer. Ask deep and insightful questions and she is sure to be impressed.
Practice questions that will be asked
Certain questions are always asked in job recruitment interviews. Practice the answers to these questions in advance to continue the interview smoothly. Hesitating to answer these basic questions shows unpreparedness and complacency. Also, remember to prepare answers for negatives in your resume that your interviewer is sure to notice and ask about.
Plan your logistics
Coming late to a job interview is a death sentence for any potential hire. No firm will accept coming late to an interview no matter what excuses you provide. That is why plan you route in advance, perhaps travel that route once to get the hang of it. Similarly, carefully decide on the attire you will wear to the interview. In a job interview the first impression is literally the last impression so make it count.
Those are fail to plan are planning to fail. If you don’t take your job interview seriously, somebody else who does will get the job. Read more on our blog at Unify and get the job you’re looking for.