Source: http://ahec.rockford.uic.edu/ecilahec
Experienced professionals who are looking for a new job may want to brush up on their interview skills. Giving a good interview is crucial in getting you that job. You don’t necessarily need to be the best candidate to get the job, just the best interviewee. That’s why even experienced job seekers need to stay on their toes. Job interviews have become more complicated as firms as their interviewees the most outrageous questions. These tips will help you give a good interview.
Be professional
Letting your guard down in an interview as you are an experienced candidate is a big mistake. It shows a lack of seriousness about getting the job. Also, there might be a chance that the interviewer might be younger than you. Treat him with the deference you would treat any senior regardless of your feelings.
Don’t forget to research
If you’ve worked long in an industry it’s easy to rely completely on your experience to answer questions in an interview. However, interviews have become more complicated over the years. Firms expect even more from experienced candidates than inexperienced ones. Be prepared to be able to answer tougher questions and research thoroughly about the company that is hiring.
Find new answers
Don’t lose you patience if you are asked the same generic job interview questions. Instead try to provide the interviewer with answers to show how much you’ve grown as an experienced candidate. How differently you answer these questions from other candidates will give you an edge over then. Don’t lose a valuable opportunity to have a great interview by answering the questions half heartedly.
Think out of the box
The practice of interviewing has changed. Potential candidates are not only tested for their work ethic and personality but even their creativity. A candidate was once asked in an interview ‘What is the colour or money?’ don’t allow such questions to sidetrack you. Be prepared to think on your feet.
Be polite
Experienced candidates who think they can get away with impoliteness during an interview think again! Interviewer and interviewee relations go a long way for a potential hire. Don’t ever forget common courtesy regardless of the advantage you have over other candidates because of your experience. Every bit of goodwill gathered will bring you a step closer to getting hired. General courtesy will always leave a lasting impression behind.
These basic tips will get you on the right track to give a great interview. Stay calm and confident during the interview. Remember you are an experienced candidate and should not look shaken by the interviewers questions. To find the right job that is the best fit for you try out the services of Unify. The best recruiting firm in the business, they can pair you will the best job that suit your talents.